Lab Rules

The BRO 1760 computer lab is a great resource and remarkably equipped even compared to many other top universities. When working in the lab, please be respectful of all rules, or you may be asked to leave. Be sure to check the library website for library hours.

A number of courses are taught throughout the week, so it is advisable for students to allow ample time for production and FULL project completion. Please be respectful of other courses; wear headphones if working with sound.

Additional Lab Rules:

  1. Only students currently enrolled in CI Art courses that utilize the BRO 1760 computer lab for assigned coursework are allowed access to the lab and computers.
  2. Every computer must be sanitized at the beginning and end of each class. Disinfecting wipes will be available.
  3. Computers and software applications may only be used for art program coursework and assignments, not for personal use.
  4. The BRO 1760 computer lab is designed exclusively for the purpose of computer graphics and digital applications. Absolutely no printing of research papers or related imagery. The open lab in the CI library is available for research projects and printing.
  5. Absolutely no multiple-image or reproduction printing is allowed in the ART computer lab. Use campus copy machines for that purpose.
  6. Each student enrolled in an ART course that is scheduled in the BRO 1760 computer lab will have one folder on the ART server for personal data storage of ART coursework projects. Do not create special icons, pictures, etc., for personal identity on assigned folders.
  7. Limit your data storage to a reasonable amount. Files containing excessive data storage will be located and deleted.
  8. Do not install software of any kind (including Email programs) on the BRO 1760 computers or ART server.
  9. Absolutely no downloading of music, movies, pornography, or copyrighted material to our lab computers or personal computers, via the CI network. This is an illegal activity.
  10. If a class is in session and there is an open computer station, ART students may use the lab provided they do not seek instruction for projects from other classes, or in any way disturb the instructor or students in the class that is currently in session.
  11. No eating or drinking in the BRO 1760 computer lab. No open food or drink containers are allowed in the lab at any time. Students neglecting this rule assume liability for damaged equipment as a result thereof.
  12. Students who disregard any of these rules will immediately lose access to the use of the BRO 1760 computer lab.
